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Which Heating System Is the Easiest to Install?

    If you’re looking into a new heating system, the question is extremely important: what heating system is the easiest to install? In point of fact it depends on your particular circumstances. Here in Atlanta, heating installation services can inspect your home and provide a good sense of what works best for you. Generally speaking, however, it depends on how many components are already in place and how efficiently you want your particular home to be heated.

    More radical heating systems such as geothermal systems and radiant heating systems are usually not easy to install. They involve a lot of disruption – including digging trenches on your property or removing and reinstalling the floorboards in your home – though they make up for that with efficient heating once they’re installed.

    That leaves two basic styles of heating system: ductless mini split systems and forced air systems. Ductless mini split systems consist of multiple indoor units places around your home, all of which are connected to an outdoor unit. Forced air system systems use a series of ducts spread throughout your home to push heated air from a single, central location to warm your entire household.

    Which one is easiest? That depends on whether or not your home already has ducts installed. If it does, then it’s usually easiest to install a furnace or heat pump compatible with them. The installation can be completed in a few hours in most cases and you don’t need to waste time or resources running ducts. If your house doesn’t already have a duct system, however, a ductless mini-split system usually entails the least amount of work to install, since the indoor units only need to be connected by thin conduits to the outdoor unit. Otherwise, you have to set up the ducts, which is a costly and lengthy procedure.

    Again, that all depends on the specifics of you home. In Atlanta, heating installation advice and service is the purveyance of Comfort Zone Heating & Air. Our trained experts can inspect your home and make a recommendation as to what heating system is easiest to install, then set it all up with thoroughness and care. Give us a call today to set up an appointment and let us show you how we can help!