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Keep Your Air Conditioner in Good Shape With These Tips

    air-conditioning It can be tough to keep an air conditioner in good shape in a place like Atlanta, especially considering how much demand homeowners put on theirs. If you know what you’re doing, though, there are a few ways that you can ensure that your air conditioner stays in top shape for as long as possible. Read on for a couple of the more popular tips.

    Schedule Preventive Maintenance

    The overwhelming majority of the issues you’re likely to deal with regarding your air conditioner will develop slowly over time. They also likely won’t start to give off obvious symptoms until they’ve been allowed to develop for a while. This is obviously a problem if you want to prevent your air conditioner from becoming damaged by any issues that develop. The best way to catch problems early is to schedule preventive maintenance for your air conditioner at least once a year, usually during the spring. This will give your technician the opportunity to resolve any issues before they become too problematic.

    Air conditioners that receive regular maintenance have been shown to operate up to 40% more efficiently than systems that don’t, as well as being 90% less likely to develop problems in the future. It is absolutely in your best interest to schedule preventive maintenance for your air conditioner for these reasons. Even if you miss the ideal maintenance window, it’s better to have it done late than to skip it entirely. So, make sure that you have a technician check out your system for you at least once a year.

    Call for Repairs if Necessary

    If you are careful about scheduling maintenance for your air conditioner on a regular basis, you can expect it to stay in good shape for a lot longer than it otherwise would. However, you should know that there is no guarantee, even with preventive maintenance, that your air conditioner will never develop a problem. In fact, the longer you have your air conditioner, the greater the chance that you will have to have it repaired in some fashion. If and when a problem does arise with your system, you need to make sure that you call for repairs as soon as possible. The faster the system gets repaired, the more damage gets prevented.

    There are a lot of different signs and symptoms that could indicate that your air conditioner needs repairs. Odd noises should always be investigated by a professional, as they tend to indicate various issues depending on the noise. Grinding, for example, can indicate that the air handler is on the verge of failure. Short cycling, in which your air conditioner turns itself on and off every couple of minutes, is another major threat that can shorten the lifespan of the system by years if it isn’t dealt with. Make sure that you call for repairs if you even suspect that there is a problem with your AC this season.

    Comfort Zone Heating & Cooling offers a full range of HVAC services in Atlanta, GA. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our technicians.