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Is It Too Late to Schedule Heating Maintenance?

    Professional heating maintenance is a job that you should arrange to have done each fall. This is one of the best ways to see that the heater that keeps your family comfortable during the winter works in peak condition for the longest time possible. Regular maintenance inspections and tune-ups will catch repair issues before they become serious, keep the system clean so that it works at maximum energy efficiency, and reduce the chances of the system abruptly shutting down during the winter.

    But winter is already here. Does that mean it’s too late to arrange for heating maintenance and you should instead wait until fall arrives? No, not at all! Better late than never, and here are some of the reasons why:

    Maintenance helps protect you from an emergency system breakdown

    A heating system is most likely to suffer from a complete breakdown during one of the coldest days of the year. This isn’t a supernatural law, but a product of how much strain a heater undergoes during such times. You significantly reduce the chance of a system breakdown with regular maintenance, no matter what time of the year you have it done. There’s still plenty of winter weather ahead this season, so arrange for that inspection and tune-up now!

    Maintenance prevents costly energy waste

    Each year that a heating system misses its regular maintenance, it will lose on average 5% of its energy efficiency because of wear and tear. That will translate into higher bills. If you don’t want your heating costs to keep rising, have maintenance done as soon as possible.

    Maintenance helps a heating system run safely

    This is especially important if you use a gas furnace to heat your home. A gas furnace can become a safety hazard if it doesn’t receive routine inspections to check on such things as cracks in the heat exchanger or leaks in the gas line. Waiting until fall to see if your heater is running safely isn’t a risk you want to take!

    To get your heating maintenance done, simply all on Comfort Zone Heating & Cooling. We serve Dunwoody, GA and the surrounding areas.