Our mild climate is one of the benefits of living here, and your heating system tends to get an easier workload as a result. Ironically, that actually makes routine maintenance from a qualified expert even more important than it might be elsewhere in the country.
Scheduling maintenance is just as important as calling for repair when your heater stops working. Indeed, it’s designed to prevent or at least offset the possibility of a full-blown repair. The technician cleans the components in the unit, checks for potential problems, and tightens any loose fittings, as well as replacing small worn parts like screws and washers. If larger repairs are required, the technician can spot them and set up a schedule for taking care of it, ideally before the weather gets too cold.
If you need repairs, it gives you the time to schedule them before the temperatures drop too low. More importantly, cleaner components and tighter fittings mean less stress on the heater itself, which means it will last longer and defers the need for significant repairs. This is especially important after long periods when the heater sits idle, as they would during our warm summers. Dust and build-up can cause more stress on the unit and increase the chance of a breakdown. But a professional maintenance visit just before heating season starts can reduce that stress and make sure your heater is functioning as it should.
If you’re asking “how can heating maintenance in Atlanta protect my comfort?” contact Comfort Zone Heating & Air for the answers. Our trained experts can set up a maintenance schedule for you that keeps your heater running smoothly and prevents the need for more expensive repairs. Your satisfaction is our chief concern, so don’t hesitate to call on us today!